Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Big Push , recent 11:11 gateway heralded a great opportunity

The Big Push

The recent 11:11 gateway heralded a great opportunity for many of us to
more fully merge our hearts and minds in preparation for the 1:1:1
doorway where we will be able to truly Think With Our Hearts. This
opportunity did not come with much ease or grace , instead it came with
uncertainty, angst, anxiety and great feelings of stress. This is
primarily because our minds want so desperately to hold onto control of
what is familiar (and outworn) while our hearts delicately try to
negotiate with our logic to form a compromise more suitable for living
from a multi-dimensional platform.

The result is a tug of war.

On a higher level, these negative emotions are rising to the global
surface for transmutation and are often instigated in our 3D holograms
by situations or people who seemingly cause us great strife. As with
all deep healings, this holographic representation is mirrored from
within and stimulated by those appropriate triggers for release.

The 11:11 portal also created a dynamic by which the great central sun
initiated deep codes of activation for cellular transformation.
Whenever we go through a portal of this scope we are subject to the
release of more patterns of outworn thoughts/behaviors which can create
frenetic feelings of energetic overload. Our internal processors can
crash or burn out causing extreme sensitivity and reactions to common
situations that seem dramatic and over-the-top.

And of course, as we desperately try to integrate these higher
frequencies, our bodies must detoxify to assimilate the new light codes
for 5th dimensional living, thus creating great feelings of toxicity,
sleeplessness, night sweats, fatigue, irritability, unusual hunger,
neck and shoulder pain, headaches, flu-like feelings, sinus pain, etc.,
etc. The detoxification of our spiritual, mental, emotional and
physical bodies is directly related to that of Mother Earth and we have
worked very hard to heal our own wounds and patterns to aid in the
overall ascension for the whole planet.

Though we are still reeling from the ramifications of 11:11, the 12:12
gateway is right on its heels urging us to incorporate even more codes
of stellar activation in the final push to the solstice on 12/22
(integration) and the 1:1:1 entrance on January 1st, 2008. Though
December is always a month of stillness and inward reflection as we
contemplate the last 11 months of our lives, this year is even more
intensified due to the wrapping up of a major 9 year cycle of clearing
and preparing to engage our true potential in creation of the new
earth. And we have earned it.

Many lightworkers/starseeds are experiencing the completion of a long
and all-consuming cycle of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
clearing and are now ready to live in harmony on the planet to anchor
the frequency of christed consciousness. Because of this, the final
month of this year will be pivotal for how we all move into 2008.
With the navigation of so many major intersections and possibilities
for transformation, this will prove to be an intense month indeed.

2008 will be a year of new beginnings and expanded potential for those
who choose to align fully with the pulse of creation and in tune with
the beat of the cosmic heart. To prepare for this universal gift of
grace we need be focused on the opportunities given to us through these
portals to let go of any illusions keeping us from total alignment with
our heart's desires. This will be a year of deep connectivity and
creative power moving us further away from the mire of polarity and
onto the timeless ray of divine love.

Be sure to stay strongly connected to your creative visions for the
remainder of 2007, it will most likely be a bumpy ride. And if you
listen to the needs of your body it will respond well to your attention
and nurturing. Sea salt baths are great for those days when we would
rather stay in bed and they also serve to clear our electromagnetic
fields when we are experiencing discord.

If you feel unusually frazzled or need assistance during these next few
weeks I will be extending the Integrated Energy Therapy holiday package
rates (see below) until the new year to help as many people as possible
to push through these final passageways. IET is a great way to clear
your field of discord, get back to center, assist you to integrate
energy downloads with greater ease and align with your dormant power to
facilitate self-healing on all levels.

"Many thanks and blessings to you for the healing you gave me. Today I
am feeling jubilant and have noticed, in a very short span of time,
movement in my self empowerment and a greater acceptance of me! I have
had beautiful people in my life so quickly to mirror this for me."
-Monique G., Australia

In gratitude,


Metatrons Cube

First Contact Video

Dr. Tracy Thiem blog talk radio

Portal Image #2

Portal Image #2
From England


Alex want to play


Tigger wants to play

Healing4innerpeace Cube #1